Here, at Big Hollow, we are preparing to say farewell to one of our longest standing employees, Alex. He has been working at the store for over six years and has become a very familiar face and presence to us all. Right out of high school he approached Marla about selling some of his ceramics at the store. He began selling his pots, mugs, and kitchenware and eventually got a job as a stocker, and the rest is history.

You have likely gotten to know him a bit over the years, but checkout chatter does not do Alex justice. He was born and raised in Laramie and is the youngest of three. He loves to be outside, and because of this, considers Laramie to be a little slice of paradise. He has grown up romping around in the Snowies, Vedauwoo, Happy Jack, and feels deeply connected to the vast terrain and open skies he calls home. Not surprisingly, his favorite warm weather activity is taking a long hike with his pitbull, Hammer, and then taking a nap in the sun. His favorite cold weather activity? You might have guessed it. Cross country skiing in the Snowies. At 26, Alex is an anomaly with no social media accounts and limited access to the internet at his home. It seems like Alex was just born to recreate in nature.  

It it time for Alex to shake things up, reevaluate, and try something new. He is leaving Big Hollow and Laramie and headed on a cross country trip, just him and his dog, with no concrete plans. The desert has always intimidated Alex a bit, so he’ll head there first to spend a month or so in Utah camping and embracing new experiences and unfamiliar terrain. After that, he’ll likely head to New Mexico and Northern California, but then again, who knows?

Alex will return to Laramie eventually, and, not surprisingly, has not committed to any concrete plans. “God only know what will happen between now and then”, Alex says calmly. He stays curious and watchful for whatever doors open. Maybe he’ll move to Centennial where there are less lights and more open, starry skies? Who knows?
If there is one thing Alex wants the community at Big Hollow to know, it’s that he has genuinely valued being a part of the community. Over the years, he has been surprised and touched by the goodness, sincerity, and openness of the many people who walk through our doors. He is grateful for the connections and friendships that have been formed throughout his years at Big Hollow. In a hectic, over-stimulating, busy, and fast-paced world, Alex’s presence is calm and grounded. He will be deeply missed, but we wish him the very best on his next life adventure! Good-bye Alex, from all your friends at Big Hollow.

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