Bulletin Board

April 7th 2018 Email
Curious about the progress of the new building? Want to hear more about where Big Hollow is headed in 2018? Have ideas and suggestions that you think could make us even better? If your answer to any of those questions was "yes," then please join us at our Members Annual Meeting this Thursday (April 12th) from 5:30 - 7:30!

Interested in becoming a Board Member?
So you want to be a Big Hollow board member… Time commitment: One meeting per month, generally lasting 1-2 hours. Committee/sub-committee meetings also occur as needed, with commitments of 1-2 hours per month. Attendance is essential for involvement; if you miss more than three meetings per year, you may be asked to resign from the […]

Good-Bye to Shannon
As much as we hate saying goodbye to awesome staff members, there is always a bit of excitement as we watch them move to another phase of life. This is certainly true for our dear Shannon, who has been a friendly face at Big Hollow for the last three years. Although Shannon is quiet, her […]

Farewell Allison, you will be missed!
It’s time to say another goodbye. As hard as it is to let a good one go, we are always excited to see our Big Hollow staff start new adventures in life. Allison has been working here for three years, and is about to start a new chapter. Allison was born in Laramie and has […]

The Faces of Big Hollow: Ben
You’ve seen him in the aisle of Big Hollow, stocking shelves or reaching something off a high shelf for someone. You’ve seen him hauling heavy boxes downstairs and stocking the deli fridge. You’ve definitely seen him at checkout, helping you bag your groceries and getting you on your way. That’s Ben! Ben has been around […]

Farewell Alex
Here, at Big Hollow, we are preparing to say farewell to one of our longest standing employees, Alex. He has been working at the store for over six years and has become a very familiar face and presence to us all. Right out of high school he approached Marla about selling some of his ceramics […]

The Faces of Big Hollow: Max
Meet Max. He has worked at Big Hollow since 2013. He laughs encouragingly at everyone’s jokes and is always willing to take the “heavy load” either literally by carrying big boxes and shoveling snow, or metaphorically by spending extra time taking care of tasks around the store. His gentle spirit is unmistakeable. Max was born […]

The Faces of Big Hollow: Kristina
Favorite vegetable: cauliflower 3rd favorite color: Cerulean blue (after royal purple and mint green) Favorite Coop task: rearranging shelves to keep like items together Favorite Coop product: dried pineapple Kristina. She is one of the most familiar faces around the aisles of Big Hollow. She is small in stature but you probably haven’t noticed because […]

Follow the Yellow Tag Road
Have you seen them? Those yellow tags beneath particular items sprinkled around the store. These tags are important because they symbolize sales and discounts storewide! Keep an eye out. Sales change monthly so watch for your favorite items to go on sale. Not only are sales changing, but there are some permanent yellow tags as […]

BIG Hollow got some BIG news!
Big Hollow got some BIG news. Let’s set the stage… It’s around 2012, Marla, the management crew and the BHFC Board of Directors are ready to explore ways for Big Hollow to expand. Since we rely heavily on the input and ideas from our members, a series of surveys were sent out and conversations began. […]